SailformsPro Relational DB

by Sailforms, LLC


19.99 usd

A Relational Database for Sailforms

Relational Application BuilderSailformsPro is a powerful, but easy to use Forms Application builder.SailformsPro comes preload with forms and applications you can use and modify.You can take Sailforms Forms you have built and hook them together in an Application System.You can connect Forms, look up values, get and put values between forms.You can setup transactions to Add and Subtract values to remote forms, these transactions automatically adjust when values are changed and deleted.Pivot Tables let you embed remote form entries in a form to list and select common related values.Define buttons and menus to control the work flow.Look at the application samples to see what can be done with SailformsPro.Fixed REPLACE command to support blank empty string

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Many broken promises, not support, lost credibility, but good relational database for Android. Sorry but go with Norix DB

Rafael Sanchis

Please let me know, How to add a calculator?

MadhuMohan Konda

I have had this for sometime but never took a close look at it. It seems like what I have been looking for for years.

Gerald Austin

Sailforms Pro is the closest thing to Microsoft Access available for Android. It can handle anything from simple forms to fully relational database models. The interface is simple and intuitive and custom applications can be constructed in half a day. The developers of this App are responsive to it's customer's bug reports and enhancement requests. The reporting tools are not only simple to use but also flexible and powerful.

Joe Dempsey, Sr.

Please add rich text edition

Abdelhadi rgabiabdo

Excellent app to create simple but very useful tables to store any kind of information. Very user friendly app. Anybody can start creating database tables in no time. Tables can be password protected.

Jose A Davila

I've been using this for years. It's the best way to organise yourself. Once you learn how to use it it's the best. I use it to take daily records for work times and turn them into invoices. It's extremely flexible and has a huge array of uses.

Rocco Szabo

Brilliant app but would be perfect if you could synchronise with dropbox

Nick Meek

please add a features, to switch "List Querry" in a single field


Would raise review if the in app date/time picking widgets and the set alarm notification functions were operational. Any time they are used, the form is wiped out completely and renders it useless. it's a good app that is drastically hindered by the fact that these are not opperational.

Dylan Hardin